Discover the Amazon:
The world's greatest rainforest

We are Brazil BioBusiness and we map projects
supported by Sebrae in the Amazon rainforest
that represent excellent investment opportunities.

Join Us

Our mission is to showcase the Bioeconomy and attract new ways to participate. We present our platform, a hub for projects focused on developing the bioeconomy in Brazilian biomes, driving business, generating wealth, and promoting environmental conservation.

More than

100 million dollars

invested in 2024

More than

3 million dollars

in grants awarded to entrepreneurs


3.5 million

entrepreneurs impacted



new startups taking flight

Impact in every region.

Operating Area

5,015,067.75 km²

within the Brazilian Legal Amazon





Select a state on the map
to see the indicators


Pleased to meet you, we are Sebrae.

Floating Image

Dedicated to

Sebrae, the Brazilian Service for Micro and Small Businesses, fosters competitiveness and sustainable development for small businesses throughout Brazil.

We are the 6th most
important brand in Brazil

Promoting entrepreneurship and accelerating economic growth through public-private partnerships.

Empowering Brazilian
entrepreneurs to succeed

We provide training programs, access to credit and innovation, encourage collaboration, support specialized education, organize business meetings, and much more.

Our initiatives

For every opportunity in the Amazon, we have specific actions that value technology, innovation, and indigenous communities. Learn about our initiatives:

Our partners

Embratur - Agência Brasileira de Promoção Internacional do TurismoUNDP - United Nations Development ProgrammeFinep - Financiadora de Estudos e ProjetosCONFAP - Conselho Nacional das Fundações Estaduais de Amparo à PesquisaEMBRAPII - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação IndustrialINPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade IndustrialABDI - Agência Brasileira de Desenvolvimento IndustrialInstituto Amazônia+21Governo Federal

Make a difference
in the Amazon.

Learn how to join us in impactful projects identified
by the Brasil Biobusiness platform.
Sustainable projects with a global impact.

Join Us